DERRINALLUM LPO Freehold + Post Agency
Located 10mins from Lismore, and just over 1hr to Ballarat or Geelong, this business is generating excellent incomes netting in excess of $200K.
This is a 2 person operation with x1 person running the Postal shop and x1 person performing 2 mail runs.
The delivery round is bonus income, as it is not included in the price of the Goodwill of the business, so this is a fast return on investment.
The current Vendors have been in the business for over 30 years and ready to retire.
*Commissions in excess of $136K and very consistent
* Mail delivery incomes in excess of $84K
* PLUS Post agency P&L reporting $120K Net income
PRICE: $400K + SAV including Freehold
Please contact Merrin Wilson on 0418 559 886 or Email:
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